Wednesday, October 29, 2008

God and his "Favorite" Angel

When I read Job, I suddenly realized that the entire chapter is a big dispute between God and Satan. They quibble over power, Job was first chosen or blessed by God and Satan began to feel jealous. Satan is completely envious of Gods power and so wants some for himself, he "tries" to accomplish this by manipulating Job and making him miserable. Satan asks God to give him a chance to prove that Job is unfaithful and had no credibility. He sends Job four messages saying: livestock, servants, and ten children have all died due to marauding invaders or natural catastrophes. When Job hears this he tears up all his clothing, shaves his head, and wakes up early in the morning; praying to God. God is not impressed with Satan's attempt, but Satan asks for another chance, God agrees. Satan then afflicts terrible skin sores onto Job, this agrivates him and makes him unhappy. He then begins to compare his life with the darkness and the light. He wants to demoralize Job because he believes that God had too many followers already and is jealous of this.
This reminds me of the Saul and David story, God had first given the power to Saul. When God saw that he had made the mistake of giving the power to Saul instead of David as said to be divine and born to be a king. He takes the powers from Saul and bestows them upon David. This action causes much envy, jealousy, and hatred towards David that he begins to become prvoked by the idea of killing David.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


While listening to Barack Obama's acceptance speech, I thought of a curious comparison. Could Barack's speech be the same type of speech that Adolf Hitler gave Germany when it was going through the Great Depression? Well, Germany at the time as you all may know was in its greatest economical crisis, after being one of the world powers in WWI it was in its lowest economical status. Men and women were out of jobs, children forced to work in factories, everyday getting infections and not having the correct support or medical attention they needed. Ofcourse, it is logical that if a man, already known in politics comes to you and tells you that he will give back the power Germany deserves, that he will restore everything that Germany once stood for, you will follow him instantly, and thats exactly what he did, he never said that it was going to be a good world power.In a way we cant say that he lied to his people, he gave Germany power again, he gave Germany the attention it wanted. And we can sit here and argue that Hitler was an evil mind, always looking for touble, and that he never accomplished anything, well your wrong he accomplished his goal in MANY ways he got what he needed to be done, he successfully accomplished his goal of remembering his name.
We can relate this to our lives and situations today, America, land of the free and home of the brave is in its lowest economical status or is in dire need for help. If a man (Obama) comes to us and tell us that he will restore what AMERICA stands for, then your going to vote for him almost instantly. As Obama said, "The Bush-McCain foreign policy has squandered the legacy that generations of Americans, Democrats and Republicans, have built, and we are here to restore that legacy." Again, let me stress this to you, "We are here to RESTORE that legacy." This is a direct comparison of what Hitler said almost 6 decades ago to his hopeless Germans. The funny thing is that Hitler new the game, he new that he would be elected as leader if he gave the people what they wanted to hear, and I'm no expert in politics but thats it really what Obama is trying to do, hes giving Americans hope, hes giving them something to fall back on after these eight horrible years of presidency that George W. Bush has given us.